Aytch, the Great and Powerful -- a mysterious time-traveling figure with whom we've communicated only via holographic projections. Can usually be drawn out of his chambers with an offering of plain doughnuts, cake or yeast, lightly sprinkled. Enjoys thé, crème, et sucre every morning and playing his Celtic harp every evening. A double alumnus from the North Carolina School of the Arts, published author of multiple books, sound engineer, master projectionist, and popular film historian as well as accomplished orchestral musician Classically trained, educator in colleges and public schools of North Carolina, and talented actor with multiple voices originally heard on National Public Radio affiliates in the 1990s within the Martian Archives comedies of fellow alumni Jon Thompson, Duke Ernsberger, Gene Johnson and KHUSP Studios science-fiction productions. Also, a consummate cook who's favorite pursuit is making pizza from scratch.

Lauren Angelic -- our resident Greek Aphrodite seen here on a mountaintop in New Mexico. She loves decorating homes and hunting crystals. Her absolutely favorite treat is honey, especially as bees are her friends. She possesses a magical ability to find water anywhere, even in the American desert regions. A fabulous musician on the clarinet, she is also a penultimate Doctor of Physical Therapy.